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Trade Algorithm

TradePulse algorithm is both our pride and passion! We created perfect algorithm and added dynamic outlist to it so you can make sure your site is pulling THE BEST traffic from your trades and each one of them gets back exactly what he deserves! U can manually edit trade algo in Settings->Out.

Trade Algorithm Explanation

TradePulse algo is built from 3 separate algos and each of them get % of total out traffic. Those 3 algos are shown in outlists as P1, P2 and P3. Country groups set in Settings->Traffic Quality and modifiers set in Settings->Out are also playing a big role in the final trade value!

1) P1

P1 is TradePulse's HEART, it is what it makes it so different from other scripts around. P1 algo is based on mix of traffic size, number of uniques, click again factor, clicks and of course it's made more aggressive by giving some weight to hourly values and not just to daily values! By default script gives P1 80% of traffic.

2) P2

P2 is based on mix of daily and hourly trade effect (Clicks/Trade Out). By default it gets 10% of total out traffic to give bonus to effective trades.

3) P3

P3 is similar to P2 but it also uses trade daily uniques as modifier so bigger trades get more priority. By default it gets 10% of total out traffic to give bonus to effective trades.

Outlist Spots

What REALLY makes TradePulse stand out from the rest it's our dynamic outlist generation. Both outlist slots and weights are auto calculated each minute so you can make sure each of your trades gets what it deserves. You can edit your outlist in Settings->Out

Outlist spot numbers are calculated based on number of trades. Outlist spot weights are based on real trade value and preset weights. Preset weights use fibonacci series and together, with real trade value as a modifier, the final result is superb outlist.

Checking custom algorithm

Imagine that you have created your own trading algorithm, defined your outgoing lists and saved the settings. How can you know whether this code is working and how these outgoing lists would look like?

First of all, code errors will be logged and written to this file: If the code is written according to PHP rules and if you are only using allowed variables, there will be no errors.

Secondly, go to menu Stats -> Outlists, list here and you'll be able to see all of your outgoing lists with traders. When debugging the trading algorithm it is better to put all countries in the normal traffic group (Settings -> Traffic Quality), in order to be able to better construct numerical trading values; then you can set the settings back after you have tuned the algorithm.